

Bio 〰️


Who is he?

A poor millennial college graduate, struggling social media influencer, aspiring motivational speaker & disability/LGBTQ+ advocate. Whenever his funds are not as tight as his muscles, he enjoys traveling the world & experiencing new cultures/adventures. So far, he has traveled to Arizona, Calgary, Canada, Utah, & West Virginia. His goal is to travel to many more states, countries, & continents.


A more in-depth bio written in the first person


From being born with cerebral palsy, living in an unstable household with unfit parents for the first 11 years, having DSS (Social Service) get involved, being moved to various foster homes before landing legally into my forever family, undergoing two major surgeries (the first one to get my feeding tube which I had since I was an infant, closed, the second one was for major corrective ankle surgery), dealing with the rehab of those surgeries while simultaneously learning basic things that one would learn at an early age, and catching up academically for the next 12 years. At the age of 23 moving into my first apartment, learning how to navigate the world, learning how to deal with people who don’t know how to interact with me due to a speech impediment, getting my GED, establishing my own world views, traveling alone domestically to Utah and Arizona and then internationally to Calgary, Canada. Attending two years of community college which required me to ride the bus for two hours every day, getting into running and working up to a half marathon in 3 2/1 years, and now a graduate of UNCW, with a Bachelors Degree in Communication Studies.

Even though, I am extremely proud of what I have accomplished, I wouldn’t have been able to do it without every single person who has come into my life no matter how long they were in my life for. For that I am extremely grateful to everyone who has contributed to my success. It truly takes a village to live a fulfilling life. Sometimes, I forget how far I have come.

Finally, I don’t share this to elicit sympathy but rather to show that regardless of your life circumstances, you can achieve anything. However, this does not mean you won’t feel like giving up. I have had plenty of those moments. Without the struggles, you can not properly enjoy the successful moments.